Friday, June 8, 2012

DAL SHALBET Comeback with "Mr. Bang Bang"

           Girl group Dal-Shalbet has made their official comeback with the release of their music video for "Mr. Bang Bang." In the video, the girls attempt and succeed at a bank robbery, cowgirl style. The song itself is bright, cheery and simple melody which makes it easy to sing along to, however, the rest of their album is not very different or particularly catchy. Other than "Hit U" and "Mr. Bang Bang," nothing interested me, and most of the album is a compilation of their previous songs. I dislike their English speaking intros on certain songs, because it's irrelevant to the rest of the lyrics and discourages me from listening to the rest of the song.  

Dal Shalbet is a rookie girl group from Happy Face Entertainment who seems to still be searching for their distinguishing identity. Physically speaking, they are the second tallest girl group (in averages) after model group Nine Muses, and the shortest members are at least 5'5. They can easily use their slender forms and long legs to highlight a sexy and sophisticated image. Sure, this may not be unlike Rania, who also happen to be the third tallest girl group. However, unlike Rania, who have a more sexual, Rihanna-like appeal, they can play out the more mature, solemn sexy vibe. This time around, with their comeback stage for "Mr. Bang Bang," they are trying out a more fun, flirtatious style. I have nothing against groups exploring new styles and trying different genres, but it's too common that girl groups change concepts 180 degrees from cute to sexy between tracks, so I find it smarter when entertainment companies make more related concept transitions to allow time for the group to establish an identity among its fans. With the new group photos for their first full album comeback, I really like their sultry angel look, and no doubt it would look awesome onstage with an acoustic yet upbeat song.

Check out the tracks for their first full album "Mr. Bang Bang" below:

1. Enter Dal Shabet (Intro)

"Disco Time"

"Supa Dupa Diva"

"Pink Rocket"

"Bling Bling"

"Hit U" (featuring Bigtone)

"Girls Girls Girls" (featuring Makustle)

"Love Shake"

"Many Boys"


"Mr. Bang Bang" MV (title song)

"Without You, I"

"Come to Me/Try to Come Closer" (featuring Nassun)

"Mr. Bang Bang" (Instrumental)

 Check out their live comeback stages for "Mr. Bang Bang" below:

M! Countdown "Mr. Bang Bang" Comeback Stage 

KBS Music Bank "Mr. Bang Bang" Comeback Stage

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