Saturday, May 26, 2012

G.NA "2Hot" music video too tacky?

          G.NA's style has always been glamorous and flirty, but with her latest music video, "2Hot" from her "Bloom" 3rd mini-album, is she starting to move further from stylish and heading towards tacky? I find that as female K-Pop stars grow older, they tend to lean towards a more aggressively flashy concept. For example, Lee Hyori tried out the rugged, punk-rock Lady Gaga concept with her album "H-Logic," and Baek Ji Young recently came back a sexy vixen-like concept for "Good Boy." As interesting as it is to see female solo artists establish stronger physical appearances with their comebacks, for G.NA, there seems to be less variety from her previous styles. She seems to be going backwards- instead of being more seductively sexy, she's pushing at slutty sexy. I can excuse the strawberry blond hair dyed to its dying stages and even the patch of actual strawberry red color her mane fades into. I can even swallow down that she's showing more skin than usual.

What takes everything over the top is the choreography- gyrating hips, spread legs and body rolls. It wouldn't be the first time you see these moves- K-Pop artists are becoming increasingly more sexual in their choreography. However, the sexuality level is increased tenfold when there are other girls grouped around G.NA and basically drying humping at her. If the "sex for sale" theme isn't enough, they bring in disgustingly buff guys dressed as firemen in the background to put out the fire that is G.NA. What's funny is that they don't even touch water- they just flex and smile like strippers instead. The random outfits and background makes me think this video has a major identity crisis and is trying to mesh together random Broadway plays. As a woman nearing her mid twenties, her stylists should really consider more appropriate outfits that glorify the appeal of a mature, more sophisticated woman, instead of overdo the sexy and turn her into a bubblegum bimbo. I'm not saying she's any of those negative connotations, only that her company is making her look that way. It's inappropriate... and so unflattering.

As for the song itself, I found myself being so distracted I didn't even notice if it was good. The piano banter (excuse my lack of musical terminology/limited knowledge) in the beginning was interesting, but it did not lead to or foreshadow the random, explosive chorus very well. Neither was the song catchy enough to catch my interest.

G.NA "2Hot" Music Video

I wish they would've followed through with the darker, more natural concept on the cover of her "Bloom" mini-album.She looks pretty, natural, and refine. What's more, she looks sexy without showing an ounce of cleavage... until they reveal another album jacket with her lower half... in a leotard that shows off buttcheek and bare leg. What's more ridiculous is that she looks impossibly thin- almost too much so. Netizens tend to compliment G.NA on her proportions, but from what I can see, her breast implants are making her backside look pretty flat. If they can airbrush her to look thinner, why won't they also airbrush it so her butt looks bigger, without creating a very fake, very impossible S-line?

Check out her live comeback performances below:

G.NA "2Hot" M! Countdown Comeback

If her bright gold and red hair wasn't enough, you're going to compete for the color competition with a metallic, iridescent flame-colored jacket over a sequined white and blue midriff top and unflattering, almost loose looking high-waisted, rhinestone-studded jean shorts? Then you're gonna pair it with reflective silver ankle boots? The only thing "hot" about her comeback outfit is that it's one "hot" mess.

G.NA "2Hot" KBS Music Bank Comeback

Here, the stage outfit is slightly better in that it actually color-coordinates and flatters her body. Despite, I don't know why it's necessary to add a tiara to this outfit, or the red hanker-chief accessory in her back butt pocket. My first question was, "Why do her back-up dancers look better than she does?" They actually look hot and sophisticated in that dark vest and shorts color scheme. G.NA, on the other hand, looks like somebody's sugar-mama.

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